#1 Tank #2 Tank
A yellow background color indicates the part was added within the past 30 days.
Part # Cond Description OS/MFG/ORD No. Bin
* Unissued/used Ammo can, WWII - M2 - used non welded, welded 801
7963019493 N.O.S. Cover, fuel fill cap 2397
M59 N.O.S. Data plates - length/width, etc 256
42-P-5347* N.O.S. Kit, field cotter pins. Asst - 75pcs; 1-1/2" - 2-21/2" 1074
8668638 N.O.S. Mount, quick release assy, w/periscope guard, drivers hatch 2365
2590-567-1665 N.O.S. Muffler, M114 & M113, gas 10935998 2365A
T.O. Periscope, M26 cupola mount 619
M19* T.O. Periscopes , night vision - M41, M42, M47, M59, M75, M76 498
7059833 T.O. Pump, bilge 2368
N.O.S. Seat frame & mount, commanders, M114A1 2433
G300-M114APC Rebuilt Transmission - 749 GMC trk - G300-Also fits M114 M211, M135, M215, M217, M220, M221, M222 2520 692 6225 86
Part # Cond Description OS/MFG/ORD No. Bin
* Unissued/used Ammo can, WWII - M2 - used non welded, welded 801
N.O.S. Box, storage, M19 Periscope head, M113, Duster, Walker, M75, M59 2414
N.O.S. Cap, oil filler 1043
T.O. Case, Gunners, M1A1 quadrant & M62 Case 767 4407 607
* T.O. Dome light - square type 1416
7688707* T.O. Head assy, Periscope M19 2275
88164M4 N.O.S. Indicator, admittance box, M577A1 only, personel compartment 8675930 2366
42-P-5347* N.O.S. Kit, field cotter pins. Asst - 75pcs; 1-1/2" - 2-21/2" 1074
2590567-1655* N.O.S. Muffler, M114 & M113, gas 10935998 2365A
25400 767 5411 N.O.S. Pad, cushioning, drivers hatch 19207 10866033 553
957F048051 T.O. Periscope,squad leaders panoramic T.A.A. COM 12266851 597
M19* T.O. Periscopes , night vision - M41, M42, M47, M59, M75, M76 M19 498
2920-00-900-7993* N.O.S. Regulator, engine generator, 28V, 100 amp 2357
T.O. Warning lights, panel w/mtg brackets & lights 602
G-260 M75 APC
Part # Cond Description OS/MFG/ORD No. Bin
G260-740-3807 N.O.S. Adapter CO-526359 / ORD 7403807 286B
G260-7762350 N.O.S. Arm, Inner w/bearing - track compensating wheel 7762350 2274
G260-741-4587 N.O.S. Bearing set 1353
G249-7700163 N.O.S. Blower, ventilating air w/motor assy SW-G486291 2425
G260-7952319 T.O. Box, radio terminal complete assy 2310
G260-735-5382 N.O.S. Cable, fire ext. remote control, 51"L 1321A
G260-70-06190 N.O.S. Cable, radio terminal box 2510-700-6190 2310A
G260-79-87807 N.O.S. Clamp, exhaust tail pipe 4730-277-8408 286A
G260-773-1424 N.O.S. Connector assy 1321
G251-737-5414* N.O.S. Deflector, Air, Cylinder, intermediate assy 7375414 822
2805 741 4590 N.O.S. Gasket sets, Cont. motors-G260 M75A.P.C.-T19E1 Continental 741 4590 442
G260-739-6416 N.O.S. Handle, drivers door, hatch cover latch 1187
G260-73-81801 N.O.S. Harness, wiring interphone assy. 285
G251 734 6565 N.O.S. Housing, cooling fan vane -G260, M75A.P.C.-T19E1 w/ Continental 2930 740 3381/7403381 381
T.O. Instrument panel, M59APC 2384
2910 699 7917* N.O.S. Kit, Fuel pump repair - Carter Carb. co., Also Scorpion G260-699-7917 836
42-P-5347* N.O.s. Kit, field cotter pins. Asst - 75pcs; 1-1/2" - 2-21/2" 1074
2805 734 7783 N.O.S. Manifold assy-G260 M75APC - T19E1 w/ Continental 286
2520-737-4612 N.O.S. Oil accuulator body ALD6765348; 7707511 2320
M19* T.O. Periscopes , night vision - M41, M42, M47, M59, M75, M76 498
G251-77-07804 T.O. Pump, input scavenge and coverter assy ALD676539 2391
G260-834-4489 N.O.S. Receptacle and Elbow with wires, 3 hole female & 2 wires ORD2931 286D
G260-834-4490 N.O.S. Receptacle and Elbow, 3 prong male, 2 wires 286E
G260-739-6265 N.O.S. Spacer, track 2530-337-7349 / ORD 19784 286C
G260-73-54001 N.O.S. Switch, Rheostat control, electric brake with lever IHC 109624R91 286F
G260-75-36661 N.O.S. Terminal (receptacle) assy, radio terminal box main power supply 2310A
  • Shipping costs extra, sent according to size and weight, mail, UPS or truck - minimum shipping charge $11.00.
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  • All prices subject to change. Price quotes good for 30 days.
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  • All parts N.O.S. unless marked T.O., N.O.S. / N.R. (Needs restoration)
  • Returned parts must be received within 10 days of delivery